

Sing (成 - “accomplish”)

Truck Driver (貨車司機)

09:00 - 18:00

“Rain or shine, I drive the FeedingHK truck around the city to deliver food parcels to those in need in Hong Kong. I take care of warehouse stocking, organise the food donations, transport each box of food from the warehouse to my truck and deliver hundreds of packages to hundreds of charities for onwards distribution across the city. I also make frequent trips to and from the airport, where we collect unused packaged food items leftover from airplane meal trolleys. Many people don’t think about where all this stuff goes! Sometimes perfectly edible food is thrown away and taken to the landfills - did you know that each piece of KFC chicken needs to meet exact shape or size requirements? Otherwise it all goes to the bin. We work to limit that waste. I’ve been working at FeedingHK for almost 5 years now, and people recognise me as the man who brings food in his big truck. When I reach the charities there is often already a queue of people waiting - it makes my day to see their faces light up. When I see that other people are happy, it makes me happy too.”


“Before working for Feeding HK, I was a truck driver for 30 years delivering commercial goods to and from Hong Kong and the Mainland - now I deliver rice, oil, vegetables and all sorts of food items to charities. I am still taking things from one place to another, but it is so much more meaningful now. My job is a lot more fulfilling and I love coming in to work. Prior to being involved in this work, I had no idea that there are so many hungry and homeless people in Hong Kong. The city on the surface is glamorous and wealthy, but in reality that is not the case. Every day, I see a tougher side of the city that is often hidden from plain sight - little kids, young people, the elderly, refugees in Chungking Mansions - hundreds and thousands of people who just need to have their fundamental needs met. It just makes me realise how important it is for us to remind ourselves to be grateful for what we have, even if it may not seem like a lot!”

“When I was growing up I used to, like many Hongkongers, order lots of food and then just let things go to waste. Now I can see with my own eyes how wasteful that is and how all this food could in fact go to people truly in need. I make sure that my son knows this as well! FeedingHK operates in this big warehouse building and every day all the other tenants are busy moving goods up and down the building. There are often “lift wars” here, as everyone is racing to get their goods transported and their jobs done quickly. Sometimes people just hold the cargo lifts so the wait can be up to 45 minutes every day! It is OK though, we have learnt to work together. My job requires me to drive a large truck every day, but on the weekends I choose to drive a much smaller vehicle - I mountain biking around Hong Kong. I love the adventure and it keeps me fit and healthy!”


「我細個嗰陣,都同好多香港人一樣,會嗌到成枱都係嘢食,食唔唒就由得佢。而家我自己睇到咁係有幾浪費,呢啲食物本來可以俾到有需要嘅人。我都會教我個仔明白呢樣嘢﹗樂餉社個貨倉喺呢幢工廈入面,每一日都有其他人忙住上落貨,好多時都要爭𨋢,因為個個都想快啲搬完啲貨嘛。有時啲人會 hold 住部𨋢,所以我哋可以等成九個字先有𨋢㗎﹗不過 OK 啦,我哋大家都識得夾。我份工日日要揸㗎大貨車,到放假我就揀㗎細好多嘅,我會喺山度踩越野單車。我鍾意佢夠刺激,又可以 fit 啲健康啲﹗」


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