

Fa (花 - “blossom”)

Lamma Island (南丫島)

13:30 - 20:30  

“This has been my job for more than ten years. I sweep the streets, clear the walking trails and collect rubbish on the island of Lamma. There is such a wonderful community here; people are friendly, kind and we look after each other. I am originally from Shanwei (汕尾), but have lived in Hong Kong for several decades now. I grew up in a family of farmers. My whole family, including me and my seven siblings, lived together in a tiny house on the farm. Even though we didn’t have much and life was very simple, we were very happy. Being on Lamma gives me that feeling of being home.” 

「 我做咗呢份清潔工作十幾年。我負責打掃街道,清理山路,喺南丫島收集垃圾。呢度個社區好好, 啲人好友善,我哋會互相照顧。我來自汕尾,但喺香港已經生活咗幾十年。我屋企耕田嘅 。我以前成家人包括我同七個兄弟姐妹一齊住 喺田地上一間細屋仔度。雖然我哋乜都冇,生活好簡單,但係我哋都好開心。南丫島俾 到 呢 種屋企嘅感覺我 」 

 “This is generally quite a clean island, although we have a lot of extra work after a typhoon or big storm. I don’t find the job itself to be too tough or tiring, and I love to live and work on Lamma. Although during the midsummer days it can get so hot and unbearable. Sometimes I go into the public library to take a little breather - they have aircon there. I am illiterate so I cannot read. Before taking on this job, I used to work as a cleaner in a kindergarten. I can’t speak any English, so I couldn’t communicate much verbally with the little kids there. However despite the language barrier, I think we still had a wonderful connection - they seemed to like me a lot.”

“I moved to Hong Kong to join my husband. I was introduced to him by family friends, and had a great impression of him the first time we met. To me, he is a handsome and kindhearted man. I am very happily married. Do we fight? Of course! It would be abnormal and strange for couples to not bicker and argue sometimes, but then you just forgive and forget. I would say I am a positive person. I think the most important thing in life is to be happy - don’t you think?”



「 呢 個島都算乾淨, 不過打完風之後我哋就多 咗 好多 嘢 做。呢份工 唔算 太辛苦。我好鍾意 喺南丫島度住同 做 嘢 。不過夏天 嘅時候 大熱天時真係會幾辛苦。有時候我會去圖書館休息一下, 因為 嗰 度有冷氣。我 唔 識字㗎, 所以 唔 識睇書。做呢份工之前, 我喺幼兒園做過清潔工。我 唔 識講英文, 所以 唔 識同啲小朋友用語言溝通。不過我哋都好有默契, 佢哋好似幾鍾意我 噉 。 」

「 我嗰時搬嚟香港係同我丈夫會合。佢係親戚朋友介紹嘅,我哋第一次見面,我就已經對佢印象好好。對我嚟講,佢係一個又英俊又善良嘅人。我結咗婚咁耐都好開心。我哋有冇嗌交?當然有啦!有邊對夫妻唔嗌交㗎,不過好快就會唔記得同原諒大家。我會話我自己係一個樂觀嘅人。做人最緊要開心 - 你話係唔係呀? 」


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